What is the Law of Attraction?

The power of the Law of Attraction involves more than just thoughts, it encompasses attitude, lifestyle, and desires. You are an emotional creature who reacts to various sensations and needs, such as food, shelter, and a strong desire to belong. Your intellect is shaped by your impulses, which are often directed by needs and desires. Your life is energetic, and everything is based on combinations of energy. The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be destroyed or created, but can be altered to create a more potent or weaker form. For example, in tea, water is a dynamic form of energy, while tea leaves are static. Yet, the water is infused with the flavor of the leaves. You manipulate energy daily without thinking, transforming energy into problems and solutions. Thus, the situations you find yourself in is neither created nor destroyed, but are translated from one set of previous circumstances into another.

How do Your Emotions Influence Your Experience?

The power of the Law of Attraction involves more than just thoughts, it encompasses attitude, lifestyle, and desires. You are an emotional creature who reacts to various sensations and needs, such as food, shelter, and a strong desire to belong. Your intellect is shaped by your impulses, which are often directed by needs and desires. Your life is energetic, and everything is based on combinations of energy. The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be destroyed or created, but can be altered to create a more potent or weaker form. For example, in tea, water is a dynamic form of energy, while tea leaves are static. Yet, the water is infused with the flavor of the leaves. You manipulate energy daily without thinking, transforming energy into problems and solutions. Thus, the situations you find yourself in is neither created nor destroyed but are translated from one set of previous circumstances into another.

How Does Energy Work for You?

Energy is the essence of everything, from cars to pens to tablets. Everything vibrates, and because of this, it is in constant flux. The universe, planet, animals, plants, and our lives are all in a constant state of change. Dynamic energy, such as heat, light, smoke, and ash, is constantly changing. Static energy, or potential energy, is stored and waiting to be released. The nature of energy is unrest, which is the nature of the universe and creation. Your body and mind are constantly in motion, changing with every whim passing through your brain. Energy fields form systems working in synchronistic fashion, such as the heart, stomach, reproductive organs, endocrine system, brain, and spine. All things are energy in various stages of conversion, with change occurring in two general fashions: progressively moving forward or evolving and its antitheses, decay.

How Does Your Intention Work with the Law of Attraction?

Manifesting involves manipulating energies to clarify your desires, ideas, and goals. The Universe provides you with opportunities according to the universal laws of life, or principles, and you should understand these spiritual rules.  The Universal laws operate through energy, and do not provide physical objects but provide you with opportunities for success. The Universe aligns you with a path towards wealth, and you, or anyone, can call upon these energies to move them in a direction you desire.

How Can You Apply Your Energy?

Your intention is a call to the Universe and begins with a desire for something. Manifesting is a part of this process, where you clarify your desires and direct your energies. Mastering manifesting is crucial for clarity, because if your desires are vague, you will manifest vague results. Various methods, such as creating a vision board, drawing pictures, or writing prayers, can help you gain clarity, but they are not what creates the attraction. You create the attraction through your emotions.

How Does this Law of Attraction Work for You?

Morphogenesis, a concept in biology since the 1920s, focuses on energy fields on a cellular level. Rupert Sheldrake expanded this theory into the morphic theory, which suggests invisible information fields surround the cells, with an attractor drawing organisms towards a predetermined shape. Sheldrake theorized that patterns can be repeated, with conditions similar to the first appearance triggering the pattern again. The morphic field collects similar energies, forming a stable field, which is essential for all life forms. Through intention and emotion you a morphic field that attracts similar energies. Your intention creates a field for opportunities to be attracted to you. This is the science of attraction, the secret of attraction, and it is the law of thinking.