The Facets of Healing

What is Energy Healing?

Energy Healing techniques involve manipulating subtle energy fields, which are recognized in science, metaphysics, religion, and spirituality. All matter has an energy field associated with it. The universe and all within it are formed of various fields forming a single resonant field. When these fields break down, calamities occur. Energy is an assortment of fields, which means energy is also cure or the way to correct them.

Reality, as we perceive it, may be the result of resonating fields forming a super resonant field. These resonant fields may be energy flows, energy eddies, or morphic fields of evolution, forming humans, animals, plants, illnesses, and disease. As you expand your awareness, we may see resonant fields as energy flows and have corresponding colors.

What is the Mind - Body Relationship?

The mind is a non-local event that generates thoughts, which can be distracting, which is why focus is needed. It is awareness gives rise to the concept of a physical body, illness, and disease. The brain is at the center of your universe, which is experiential, filtering physical things, events, forming memories, and formulating responses. Neurotransmitters transfer information to the body, consciousness, and the subconscious, interpreting information received from the mind. All biological processes are based on information transfer. Emotions are part of the information flow, influencing the interpretations of information. All life on Earth is composed of essential elements, and diseases and illnesses are composed of information fields, the same as your body. Your body is composed of three primary fields: quantum, potential, and electromagnetic. Emotions are also measurable fields, which is why your pain is a personal experience with emotional, sensational, and cognitive components.

What is Complimentary Alternative Healing?

Healing with energy medicine is part of Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) an alternative practice of healthcare that goes beyond traditional practices and includes a variety of systems, practices, and products. CAM is often viewed as unconventional and unproven, but it has gained popularity in recent years as natural and alternative medicine. During the 1990s, the number of visits to CAM practitioners increased from 34% to 40%, with nearly 70% of those aged 50-64 using natural healing CAM services which includes biological therapies, energy therapies, body-based treatments, and mind-body approaches.

Why Should You be Concerned about Stress?

Holistic healing therapies often overlook the essential part of the healing process, which is the discovery of the cause of your illness. It is important to differentiate between illness and disease. Illnesses may be more subtle and related to your physical and emotional health. Disease is easier to diagnose because it may have a genetic disposition or an organic origin.

Stress may be the number one contributing factor to your developing illnesses. Stress is the result of your interaction with our environment, those your engage with, and can be positive or negative depending on the value you assign an event and the coping strategies you chose to employ. Your beliefs, past experiences, and wellbeing influence which coping strategy you choose. If the body fails to alleviate the problem, seeking help from a health practitioner is your next step, or perhaps the use of alternative medicine.

In summary, understanding the role of stress in the healing process is crucial for promoting your overall health and well-being.

Why do You Need to be With People?

Research supports the idea of companionship as a healthy pursuit towards your wellbeing or spiritual healing, but it is important to be mindful of your relationships, as they may contribute to your health problems. The quality of your relationships can influence your recovery and whether you experience depression or melancholy. Social networks, which can be loose or tight-knit, can help you maintain your health and accelerate your healing. Living with family members can be beneficial, but it is not advisable for you to live with them unless you have a close connection.

Self-help or peer discussion group also considered a holistic healing therapy and can provide you with support and coping strategies in a safe environment. The creation of social groups is a natural function of humankind and is known as the Natural Law of Association, which encourages you to be with like minded people.